Fokustitler høsten 2019

Leonora’s Journey – An Essay

Enchanting Evolution. Why fishes climb waterfalls and bats donate blood

To Watch a Fulmar Die: Facts and Formulations about Plastic in the Ocean


Salmon - A Biography

Polar Tragedies. On arrogance, the spirit of adventure and polar exploration’s greatest failures

In the Age of the Bombers

Getting high and why

How To Be a Scandinavian Feminist

Drafts from the Mariana Trench
Barn og ungdom


John Jensen and the Night Train

The Story

3 2 1

The Different Lives of Olivia

Buffy By is Talented

Snow Valley. 24 Chapters Before Christmas

Dreams Mean Nothing

Rats, the world’s (worst) best animals

Like a Brother. The Story of Julius the Chimpanzee

Beetles, bugs and butterflies

The Girl Book. Nina and Ellen’s guide to puberty