Perhaps I Can Be Dictator. A Handbook
Kanskje jeg kan bli diktator. En håndbok
Who haven’t dreamed of ruling their own country? The dream could be closer to reality than you think. Perhaps I Can Be Dictator will teach you every trick used by current and previous dictators to get the top spot and stay in power. In ten easy lessons you will learn everything from how to rig an election and make your own personality cult to dictator fashion rules and architectural preferences. Learn from masters like François ‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier, Muammar Gaddafi, Nicolae Ceaușescu, and Saparmurat ‘Turkmenbashi’ Niyazov.
Perhaps I Can Be Dictator is probably the funniest political satire published in 2012. The book combines black humor with political insights, and is peppered with horrifying and hilarious stories from some of the most eccentric modern world leaders.