All of 392 Norwegian books published in translation 2015
During 2015 NORLA received a record-breaking 392 Norwegian books that have been published in a total of 47 languages made possible by translation subsidies from NORLA (and within the Nordic countries: from the Nordic Council of Ministers).
This surpasses even last year’s all-time high.
See all Norwegian books published abroad in 2015 through funding below.

Of the 392 books, 307 were fiction titles and 85 non-fiction titles. And there were 98 books for children/young adults.
See the fabulous book covers from all over the world of NORLA subsidy publications going back to 2011 here.
You may now also sort the book covers by selecting a language tag, i.e. English,
or an author (surname) tag, i.e. Skomsvold.