Children of God
Guds barn
Children of God starts in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth, when King Herod gives the order for all boys under the age of two to be killed. The novel continues on until after his death. We meet Roman soldiers and gangs of robbers, prophets and disciples, young children and lepers – all caught between powers of good and evil. All their stories form a web where the fantastic and terrifying, great and small go hand in hand. Officer Cato doubts whether he is doing the right thing when he follows Herod’s orders. Jacob’s father is afraid that his son is touched by evil because he stammers. Anna is looking for the man she once loved. The robber Nadab tries to protect the light he carries around with him. And Peter can’t sleep for fear of what awaits them all.
Powerful forces fight for control in Children of God. Lars Petter Sveen has written a novel unlike any other. These are stories no one has read before, from a world everyone knows.

‘Children of God is in every way a well-deserved breakthrough for a young author whose work is mature, original and bold.’
From the PO Enquist Jury statement
‘A masterpiece. Lars Petter Sveens third novel is a rare piece of art.’
‘Children of God must be this years best novel.’