Sample translations for translators
Translators abroad and in Norway can apply to NORLA for subsidies for sample translations from Norwegian books of interest.
Do you translate from Norwegian to another language? Here you can find a number of grant schemes, for both direct translations and skills development for translators.
Translators abroad and in Norway can apply to NORLA for subsidies for sample translations from Norwegian books of interest.
NORLA offers funding for travel to Norway for translators, agents, publishers and members of the press for meetings with Norwegian publishers, agents and authors.
NORLA started in 2014 a pilot scheme for a translators hotel for translators of Norwegian literature. The scheme has been an unconditional success and has since been renewed annually, with the exeption of the pandemic years.
Starting in the spring of 2014, NORLA has the pleasure of being able to offer a special mentor scheme for translators of Norwegian literature.