Steffen R. M. Sørum

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Photo: Niklas Lello

Steffen René Marandon Sørum is an author and associate professor in creative writing, currently serving as the academic leader for the author education program at the Norwegian Institute for Children’s Books. Steffen has worked as an editorial director for children’s and young adult literature for 16 years. He made his debut in 2000 with the novel Du elsker meg (You Love Me) and has since published numerous books for children, young adults, and adults alike. For the book Skriv genialt! (Write Brilliantly!), co-authored with Eldrid Johansen and Ingrid dos Santos, Sørum received the Ministry of Culture’s award for the best non-fiction book in 2016. The Girlskate Trilogy: The First Book was named the book of the year. The third book was nominated for the prestigious Boksluker Prize, where children themselves select the winner. Steffen has also written several books specifically targeting boys.

Steffen R. M. Sørum will be present at the book fair, joining the Norwegian program at different events. 

More about Steffen R. M. Sørum

Steffen R. M. Sørum participates in the Guest of Honor program under the auspices of the Norwegian Institute for Children’s Books (NBI) – NORLA’s partner in the Guest of Honor project.