POSTPONED: Conference in Oslo marking the end of the Literature Go Global program
POSTPONED: Due to the latest developments concerning the coronavirus and new guidelines from the Institute of Public Health, the conference marking the end of the Literature Go Global program is postponed.
This is seen as a necessary measure to limit the risk of spreading the corona virus. At the same time we are doing our best to set an alternative date for the conference.

Innovation Norway and NORLA have the pleasure of inviting the Norwegian book trade to a conference in Oslo on Friday March 20, marking the end of the Literature Go Global program (Litteratur ut i verden – LUV).
Literature Go Global is a tailor-made export program for Norwegian literary agencies. The program is part of the Norwegian government’s strategy for cultural and creative industries.
Friday, March 20
9.30 – 15.30
Venue: Forstanderskapssalen, Sentralen, Øvre Slottsgate 3, Oslo.
The conference is free of charge. There will be served refreshments.
Registration deadline: March 12, 2020.
The conference will be streamed live.
The conference programme will be in English.
09.30–10.00 – Registration and coffee
10.00–10.15 – Opening by Aslak Sira Myhre, Director of the National Library of Norway
10.15–10.30 – Welcome and presentation of the export program Literature Go Global by Margit Klingen Daams, Innovation Norway and Janicken von der Fehr, NORLA
10.30–10.40 – Norway Guest of Honour Frankfurter Buchmesse 2019 project results. Presentation by Margit Walsø, Director of NORLA
10.40–10.50 – The Frankfurter Buchmesse and current developments in the rights and licensing market. Presentation by Juergen Boos, Director of the Frankfurter Buchmesse
10.50–11.35 – Best Practice: Presentations by participants of the Literature Go Global program – Ingvild Haugland, Cappelen Damm Agency; Svein Størksen, Magikon; Thomas Mala, Northern Stories and Gina Winje, Winje Agency
11.35–11.50 – Short break / coffee
11.50–13.00 – Keynotes:
— Isobel Dixon, MD and Head of Books of the Blake Friedmann Literary Agency (UK); President of the Association of Authors’ Agents, UK
— Patrick Walsh, Founder and agent of PEW Literary (UK); co-founder of Conville & Walsh in 2000
13.00–13.30 – Lunch
13.30–14.00 – New Norwegian Voices Go Global: The internationalization of Norwegian literature and the important author–agent relationship. Conversation with authors Simon Stranger, Marianne Kaurin and Thomas Reinertsen Berg.
14.00–15.15 – Keynotes and debate: The Life of a Literary Agent. Challenges and strategic considerations of running a sound and sustainable literary agency.
— Promoting Arabic literature: The key challenges. Introductory keynote by Yasmina Jraissati, founder and agent of the RAYA Agency for Arabic Literature (FR/LB)
— The Value of Literary Values. Introductory keynote by Linda Altrov Berg, Rights Director of Norstedts Agency (SE).
— Panel with Yasmina Jraissati, Linda Altrov Berg and participants of the Literature Go Global program Hans Petter Bakketeig, Stilton Literary Agency, and Even Råkil, Oslo Literary Agency.
15.15 – Closing remark
Mingle and refreshments
Please note that the programme is not yet final and that there may be minor changes.
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Literature Go Global is an export and competence program for literary agents. It aims to contribute to increased Norwegian literature exports and strengthen the Norwegian agencies and the book industry’s competitive powers internationally. The program is a collaboration between the Ministry of Culture, Innovation Norway and NORLA.