Eleventh season of NORLA's Translators Hotel
Today, NORLA had the pleasure of welcoming four new translators to Oslo for the eleventh season of our translators hotel at Hotell Bondeheimen.
The four translators are:
Juste Nepaité (Lithuania)
Michiel Vanhee (Belgium)
Carmen Freixanet (Spain, translates into Castillano and Catalan)
Aleksandr Panov (Russia)
We look forward to spending the next two weeks in their company!

The four are currently working on translations of The Border (Grensen) by Erika Fatland, Jomsviking – Vinland by Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen, My Struggle. Book 3 (Min kamp. Tredje bok) by Karl Ove Knausgård and selected poems by Tarjei Vesaas.
The translators look forward to meeting authors, publishers and agents for updates and tips on new, great books. Some will also use the opportunity to visit libraries, museums and book shops.
All four translators will be having work stations in our office, so we look forward to spending a lot of time with them in the days to come.
And since there are also several literary events taking place in Oslo in the following weeks, we hope they find inspiration!
We look forward to two pleasant and hopefully productive weeks in the company of the translators!
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs contribute towards NORLA’s translators hotel scheme.
Read more about our translators hotel and previous seasons here.