Four projects receive grants for export and market initiatives abroad
NORLA’s subsidy scheme for export and market initiatives will contribute to boosting exports, demand and market development for Norwegian books and authors abroad; thereby increasing revenue for the Norwegian literary agencies/publishers concerned. Since the scheme began in November 2019, we have received many strong applications. There are many initiatives being planned – and we are now ready to announce the first projects to be awarded grants this year.
Four export and market initiatives have been selected in this round:

• Winje Agency: International launch of Jon Fosse’s Septology V-VII: A New Name, in Norway
• Stilton Literary Agency: Film presentations by Barbara Oakley & Olav Schewe’s Learn like a Pro, Sigrun Slapgard’s A Secret Life and Erik Bertrand Larssen’s Mental Rehab
• Immaterial Agents: Algorithm development and social media launch of Asle Skredderberget’s trilogy Soft as Metal, Pain Killer and Vengance Is Mine
• Gyldendal Agency: Digital presentation of Nancy Herz’s book: Aren’t you getting married soon?
Please note that this scheme is open for Norwegian applicants only.