
Happy Pride 2020 - Reading tips for children and young adults

June sees the celebration of Pride Month worldwide, and on Saturday June 27 a digital parade show will be live streamed from Oslo (12:00 CET, GMT +1).
At NORLA, we are happy to join in the celebration by sharing a selection of gay themed books available for children and young adults. The list is made by IBBY Norway (International Board on Books for Young People), and here you may read more about the books originally published in Norwegian.

Jenny Jordal: Hannemone and Hulda (Hannemone og Hulda)
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Harald Nortun: The Experiment (Eksperimentet)
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Nora Dåsnes: Cross My Heart and Hope to Die (Ti kniver i hjertet)
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Heidi Sævareid: Lopsided (Slagside)
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Hans Sande: In Love with Billy Backfire (Forelska i Feisbukk)
Illustrated by Per Dybvig
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Tom Erik Fure: Benny Goes Berserk (Benny går berserk)
Illustrated by Kenneth Larsen
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Linda Klakken: Stupid, Stupid Heart (Dumme, dumme hjarte)
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Linde Hagerup: A Brother Too Many (En bror for mye)
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Endre Lund Eriksen: The Summer Dad Turned Gay (Den sommeren pappa ble homo)
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Line Baugstø: If We Were Lions (Vi skulle vært løver)
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Thomas Marco Blatt: If You Lie (Hvis du lyver)
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Monika Steinholm: Nærmere kommer vi ikke (original title)
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Lone Halvorsen and Maria Therese Olsen: Wilma har to mammaer (original title)
Illustrated by Gina Snipp
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See the complete IBBY list here (in Norwegian)
