
Hooray for the 12th season at NORLA's translator hotel!

This week, we have finally been able to warmly welcome translators to Oslo for a two-week stay at Hotell Bondeheimen. This is something we have really missed during the pandemic!
With this, the translator hotel’s twelfth season is opened, and the five translators who are in place in Oslo are:

Ursel Allenstein (Germany)
Sylvia Kall (Germany)
Angélique de Kroon (The Netherlands)
Ana Flecha Marco (Spain)
Fuyumi Nakamura (Japan)

We are thrilled to have them here, and look forward to two pleasant and hopefully productive weeks in their company!

From the left: NORLA's Mette Børja and Torill Johansen (responsible for the Translator Hotel scheme), Sylvia Kall, Ana Flecha Marco, Angélique de Kroon, Ursel Allenstein and Fuyumi Nakamura. Photo: Ellen Trautmann Olerud

The translators have a lot of exciting things planned: They look forward to meeting authors and literary agents, for updates and tips on new, great books.
All five translators also have work stations in our office, so we are enjoying their company also at lunchtime.
Our guests also take the opportunity to visit libraries, museums, bookstores. Together we will also see Arne Lygre’s critically acclaimed theatre play Tid for glede (Time for Joy).

We wish the translators a great stay, with lots of professional and social replenishment, plus inspiration. And last, but not least, we wish them a great celebration of the 17th of May, Norway’s Constitution Day!

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs contribute towards NORLA’s translators hotel scheme.

There will be new chances for more Norwegian translators this autumn. More information and application deadline will be announced over the summer.

Read more

Read more about our translators hotel and previous seasons here.