
Maria Kjos Fonn nominated for the European Union Prize for Literature 2025

Maria Kjos Fonn has quickly become one of the most important and powerful literary voices of our time. Her ability and willingness to boldly portray the challenges people face have earned her high critical acclaim and nominations for several prestigious awards, including the Brage Prize.

Maria Kjos Fonn. Photo: Agnete Brun.

Life and death, addiction, mental illness, neglect, and suicide—Fonn does not shy away from life’s darkest themes. Yet, she approaches her characters with great wisdom and a rebellious sense of humor that makes her stories bearable to read. Through her deep empathy, Fonn has an intellectual and well-informed approach to her material.

Readers of Maria Kjos Fonn’s novels are left deeply moved, with a strengthened understanding of life on the edge of an existential abyss. This is precisely where literature has its greatest impact. Her authorship continues to grow, and with great conviction, the Norwegian jury has nominated her latest novel, Margaret, er du i sorg (Margaret, Are You in Grieving), for the European Union Prize for Literature 2025 (EUPL).

The Norwegian jury for the European Union Prize for Literature 2025 consists of NORLA representatives Margit Walsø, Oliver Møystad, and Andrine Pollen.

The 2025 EUPL Prize winner and the two special mentions will be revealed on 16 May 2025 at 18:00, during the announcement ceremony at the Prague Book Fair in the Bohemian Pavilion.

About the Prize

The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) recognises emerging fiction writers from the European Union and beyond. Engaging the 40 countries participating in the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, the Prize celebrates 40 outstanding new literary talents across a cycle of three years.
Spotlighting the creativity and the immense and diverse wealth of Europe’s contemporary literature in the field of fiction, EUPL aims to promote the circulation of literature within Europe and encourages greater interest in non-national literary works.
The EUPL Consortium is proud to reveal today the 13 shortlisted books for the EUPL 2025 edition, one for each participating country. The authors and their novels were nominated by national entities knowledgeable about the literary scene in their countries and used to promoting their own literature abroad.

It is with pleasure that the shortlisted authors for this year are unveiled:

• Austria: Ljuba Arnautović, Erste Töchter (First Daughters)
• Belgium: Philippe Marczewski, Quand Cécile (When Cécile)
• Bosnia-Herzegovina: Mihaela Šumić, Čovjek vuk (The Wolf Man)
• Georgia: Tea Topuria, იაკობის ჭასთან (By Jacob’s Well)
• Greece: Makis Malafekas, Deepfake (Deepfake)
• Ireland: Sheila Armstrong, Falling Animals (Falling Animals)
• Italy: Nicoletta Verna, I Giorni di Vetro (The Days of Glass)
• Lithuania: Kotryna Zylė, Mylimi Kaulai (Beloved Bones)
• Norway: Maria Kjos Fonn, Margaret, er du i sorg (Margaret, Are You Grieving)
• Romania: Bogdan Crețu, Mai puţin decât dragostea (Less Than Love)
• Slovakia: Lukáš Cabala, Spomenieš si na Trenčín? (Will you remember Trenčín?)
• Spain: David Uclés, La peninsula de las casas vacías (The Peninsula of Empty Houses)
• Ukraine: Halyna Matveeva, Ключ соль (The Key of G)

The seven members of the European Jury will now read excerpts from all the shortlisted books and make their choice in the upcoming months to award one EUPL Prize winner for this edition, as well as recognising two special mentions.

All shortlisted authors will be continuously promoted on the European stage, aiming to reach a wider and international audience, as well as connect with readers beyond their national and linguistic borders.

The EUPL is organised by a Consortium of associations comprising the Federation of European Publishers (FEP) and the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF), with the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Glenn Micallef, European Commissioner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport said: “Warm congratulations to all the shortlisted authors of this year’s edition of the European Union Prize for Literature. I am proud to see such a variety of emerging talents from so many different horizons. Books know no borders. Authors are the creators of this magical place where printed words become images, thoughts and ideas, that can then be shared, debated or passed on. Through their writing, they convey the universal values that shape our European societies. The book sector therefore deserves our continued support to maintain its tremendous contribution to the cultural and creative industry, but also to make sure books keep their special role in our everyday lives.”

Sonia Draga, President of FEP, said: “For a publisher like me and for all literature lovers, discovering a new literary talent is a wonder, then thirteen, you can imagine how extraordinary this is. Besides the European jury, many publishers around Europe and beyond, will be eagerly awaiting the sample translations. I wish the best to all shortlisted authors.
On behalf of the Federation of European Publishers, our wish is for all shortlisted authors to find new readers in Europe through the variety of languages of Europe, as we do remember the words of Umberto Eco: the language of Europe is translation.”

Fabian Paagman, President of EIBF, said: ‘’The years may pass, and the shortlisted authors may change, but, ultimately, the EUPL always achieves its mission: conveying the richness and diversity of European literature, always outlining some of the most promising fiction authors in the participating countries. In 2025, EUPL has spotlighted 13 authors, out of which a European jury will select two special mentions and one overall winner. However, no matter the result, the true value of the prize lies in promoting literature from a plethora of different cultures and languages, which nurture and bolster the vibrancy of our societies. On behalf of the European and International Booksellers Federation, I want to congratulate all the authors, and I cannot wait to see their works perched on the shelves of bookshops across Europe – and beyond!”

About FEP: The Federation of European Publishers is an independent, non-commercial umbrella association of book publishers’ associations in Europe. FEP represents 31 national associations of publishers of books, learned journals and educational materials, in all formats, in Europe, and is, thus, the voice of the great majority of European publishers. Founded in 1967, FEP deals with European legislation and advises publishers’ associations on copyright and other legislative issues.

About EIBF: The European and International Booksellers Federation is a non-commercial European and international umbrella organisation representing national booksellers’ associations and booksellers around the world. Through its member associations, EIBF speaks on behalf of more than 25.000 individual booksellers.

About Creative Europe: The Creative Europe programme supports a wide range of cultural and creative sectors and encourages cooperation and exchanges among cultural organisations and artists within Europe and beyond. It supports initiatives of translation and promotes literary works throughout EU markets, with the aim to raise accessibility of readership of high quality European literary writings.

Read more

Please visit the EUPL website to learn more

More about Maria Kjos Fonn’s novel Margaret, Are You Grieving

Read more about Maria Kjos Fonn