
Even Moland - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Even Moland. He has written Rising Tides: The planet’s heart and lungs, the fragile life in the deep, and how to protect it (original title: En sjanse i havet. Planetens hjerte og lunger, det sårbare livet i havdypet – og hvordan vi kan bevare det). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.

What is your book about?

Inspired by the principles of ‘ocean literacy’ and based on updated knowledge, my book Rising tides takes the reader on a journey throughout the ocean realm. I start by explaining the ocean’s workings as a ‘physical machine’ driven by tides, winds and Earth’s rotation – but first and foremost by differences in temperature and salinity. Life in the ocean is essential to its function as a ‘biological pump’ that provides oxygen and bury carbon in soft and deep sediments, and I explain these processes in accessible prose. In most chapters, I invite the reader with me on dives below the surface to discover fascinating aspects of marine life and the life history attributes that make species vulnerable to fishing. Climate change and overfishing represent urgent threats to ocean health, and I describe how humanity can make restoration and conservation priorities that build resilience in ecosystems as they strive to adapt to the changes that are occurring. I maintain an optimistic and hopeful voice throughout the book.

Who is this book written for?

Rising tides is written for adult readers of all ages. All chapters were proofread by my 17-year-old daughter, and each section was adapted to ensure that facts and phenomena were explained with sufficient simplicity for a reader without a background in marine biology or oceanography. The book is suitable for readers seeking more in-depth knowledge about how the ocean works, and information on the most important threats to ocean health. Moreover, on the actions that can be taken by coastal nations and the global community to ensure that the ocean will continue to provide the ecosystem services that humanity is benefiting from. The book is also written for students of marine biology or oceanography that seek a popular science text that sweeps across the ocean’s past, present and future with a different and more personal narrative than that offered in more scholarly textbooks used in university courses.

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See full presentation of the book here

Read more about the author here

See all NORLA’s Selected Titles for the autumn 2024 here