New service: NORLA's (digital) translator’s pastry shop!
The translator’s pastry shop will open on Wednesday 23 June, at 15 (Norwegian time) to translators from Norwegian. It will be an informal, hour-long meeting, held once a month on Zoom, where we will eat something nice together that each participant has baked for themselves.

Our goal is to create a friendly forum for collegial meetings and professional exchange – a place that offers something a bit different to a regular seminar. We are also planning on trying out new formats.
Participants will meet other Norwegian translators and the groups will be kept small so that everyone can get to know each other properly.
We have up to 16 places, but names will be selected by a lottery if there is a lot of interest.
All pastry shop guests will receive a Zoom link and a simple recipe for that month’s pastry in advance. (Baking is optional)
Welcome to the translator’s pastry shop!
Note that the offer only applies to translators from Norwegian