NORLA offers its warmest congratulations to the winners of the 2020 Brage Prize
The winners are:

Open class: Handbooks
Den store klimaguiden (“The Big Guide to Climate-Friendly Living. A Handbook”)
By Thomas Horne. Illustration by Eivind Stoud Platou.
Forlaget Press
Verden på vippepunktet (“The World at the Tipping Point”)
By Dag O. Hessen
Res Publica
Books for children and young adults
Hva skjedde egentlig med deg? (“What Happened To You?”)
By Jenny Jordahl
Cappelen Damm
Jeg foreslår at vi våkner (“I Suggest We Wake Up”)
By Beate Grimsrud (1963-2020)
Cappelen Damm
Honorary Award
Dag O. Hessen
Hessen is the first person ever to win two Brage prizes the same year!
Read more
More about the Brage Prize, and see previous winners, here.
If you happen to read Norwegian, you will find the jury’s statements here.