NORLA offers its warmest congratulations to the winners of the Brage Prize 2017
The winners are:

Olaug Nilssen
Tale of Terrible Times
Original title: Tung tids tale
(Det Norske Samlaget)
Thomas Reinertsen Berg
Original title: Verdensteater
Information in Norwegian here
(Forlaget Press)
Books for children and young adults
Maria Parr
The Goalie and the Sea
Original title: Keeperen og havet
(Det Norske Samlaget)
Open class: Poetry
Cecilie Løveid
Circulating Exhibitions
Original title: Vandeutstillinger
(Kolon forlag)
Honorary Award
Kari Grossmann
Read more
More about the Brage Prize, and see previous winners, here.
If you happen to read Norwegian, you will find the jury’s statements here.