Conference in Oslo: Norway as Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2019
Norway will be Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2019.
Programme for NORLA’s Planning and Input Conference, Wednesday 26 April 2017
Sentralen (Marmorsalen), Øvre Slottsgt. 3, Oslo

01:00 Registration
01:30 Artistic opening featuring Ferdigsnakka LIVE: Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold and Bendik Hovik Kjeldsberg
01:40 Welcome by Director Margit Walsø and Project Manager Halldór Gudmundsson
01:50 Opening by Laila Bokhari, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
02:00 Speech by HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit
02:05 The significance of being Guest of Honour. The literature boom and cultural boost. The cultural programme and its opportunities, media attention, experiences from former Guests of Honour. (This portion of the programme will be in English.)
• Juergen Boos, Director of the Frankfurt Book Fair
• Matthias Wagner K, Director of Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt
• Barbara Weidle, Head of publishing company Weidle Verlag, Bonn
• Bas Pauw, Project Manager for Flanders & the Netherlands as Guest of Honour in 2016: “This is what we share”
• Moderator: Aslak Sira Myhre, Director of the National Library of Norway and Chairman of the Board of NORLA
03:15 Break
03:45 Artistic interlude by Stian Hole and Lars Saabye Christensen: Sanne gleder (“True Pleasures”). Music by Mathias Eick and Eyolf Dale
03:55 What will be Norway’s objective, message, narrative, profile? What do we have that others don’t? What can the different stakeholders contribute on own initiative and how shall we coordinate these contributions? The building of Brand Norway, cultural and industry policy dimensions. How can we best take advantage of the opportunities offered by the book fair? Financing of projects.
• Halldór Gudmundsson, Project Manager for Norway as Guest of Honour Frankfurt 2019
• Clemens Bomsdorf, journalist
• Åsne Seierstad, author
• Anne Gaathaug, Head of publishing company Kagge forlag
• Håkon Matre Aaserød, architect
• Cathrine Pia Lund, Director of “Merkevaren Norge” (“Brand Norway”) division at Innovation Norway.
• Moderator: Aslak Sira Myhre
05:00 Summing up by Director Margit Walsø
05:15 Reception. Greeting speech by Minister of Culture Linda Hofstad Helleland
The reception will continue until 7 PM.
Registration through 19 April.
Bakground information
You may find all information on the Frankfurt 2019-endeavour here.
Below you may also read (in English) NORLA’s bid book presented to the Frankfurt Book Fair.