Pilot scheme for production subsidies extended to the end of 2015
NORLA’s pilot schemed for production subsidies for Norwegian picture books and illustrated non-fiction has been extended to the end of 2015.

In 2012 NORLA introduced a pilot scheme offering production subsidies for picture books for children. This was extended to the end of 2014.
Before the scheme was introduced, NORLA granted translation subsidies to 6 picture books for children in 2010 and 11 picture books in 2011, respectively.
After the pilot scheme for production subsidies was introduced, in addition to translation subsidies, production subsidies have been granted to 15 picture books for children in 2012, 20 books in 2013 and 17 books so far in 2014 (one final round of applications will be evaluated).
This demonstrates a strong increase in the interest in publishing ever more Norwegian picture books for children abroad. The NORLA pilot scheme will continue to the end of 2015.
In 2014 NORLA also started a pilot scheme for production subsidies for illustrated non-fiction. The scheme has been extended to the end of 2015.
Read more about how to apply for production subsidies here