Rave reviews for Knausgård in Turkey

Karl Ove Knausgård is having great international succsess with his “My Struggle”-series. The first volume was recently published in Turkey, and it seems that Knausgård is having no problem reaching the Turkish readers: The first week after the publication the book entered the bestseller list at idefix.com. It currently ranks as number three on this list.
The book is translated by Ebru Tüzel, and published by MonoKL Publishing House through translation subsidy from NORLA.
Read excerpts from the Turkish reviews below.

“My Struggle has neither a typical plot nor typical characters. The main character is Karl Ove Knausgaard himself, and every person for this way or other who has touched his life at one point of in time has found himself/herself in this novel. It avoids fictional trickeries or embellishments. Yet, the book distinguishes itself with strong descriptions (…) The first volume of My Struggle is published by MonoKL Publishing House with Ebru Tüzel’s diligent translation. I hope that the rest of the series will meet the readers soon enough.”
- Esra Tanrıbilir- BirGün Pazar
Read the rest of the review (in Turkish) here.
“Defining him as the Proust of the twentyfirst century is not far fetched because one can easily take the exact same pleasure one has taken from Remembrance of Things Past while reading My Struggle.”
- Can Semercioğlu- Sabitfikir
Read the rest of the review (in Turkish) here.
«All the events and characters in the book are real. However, they have become the realities of Karl Ove’s life that Karl Ove Knausgaard has written. We shall understand the ‘value’ of this book which has received good criticism from famous writers and other critiques first in Norway, later across the ocean and nowadays in Turkey when we get to read it again many years from now.”
- Çağlayan Çevik – Radikal Kitap
Read the rest of the review (in Turkish) here.
“Three Novels that Will Be Read Most This Summer (…)
Knausgaard has written freely; you can’t find a heavy narrative, instead he offers a plain yet effective language.”
- Adnan Özer – Akşam
Read the rest of the review (in Turkish) here.
“What is told in My Struggle is just an ordinary life of an ordinary person.(…)
My Struggle is a book that takes its plot from life. Karl Ove Knausgaard’s attempt to tell about his life in thousands of pages has taken the autobiographical genre as we know it to a platform in which every ordinary person can relate to. That is because “My Struggle” is the story of the struggle of living"
- Ayşegül Ergül- Edebiyat Haber
Read the rest of the review (in Turkish) here