Three projects receive grants for export and market initiatives abroad
NORLA’s subsidy scheme for export and market initiatives will boost demand, exports, and market development for Norwegian books and authors abroad, The scheme supports the development of good marketing ideas and initiatives for titles which have a strong potential, which contribute to new initiatives or put wind in the sails of ongoing projects with international partners. There are many initiatives being planned – and we are now ready to announce the second round of projects to be awarded grants this year.

Three export and market initiatives have been selected in this round:
• Oslo Literary Agency: Production of audio book in English of Anne B. Ragde’s Berlin Poplars (Berlinerpoplene)
• Magikon: Spin-off and marketing of Kristin Roskifte’s Everybody Counts (Alle sammen teller)
• Stilton Literary Agency: Marketing of Odd Harald Hauge’s books Everest, Great Bear (Storebjørn) and The Novaya Zemlya Effect (Novaja Semlja-effekten) for the German language market
Please note that this scheme is open for Norwegian applicants only.