We are off to a brilliant start!
In the end of April, NORLA invited stakeholders to take part in a planning and input conference for Norway as Guest of Honour nation in Frankfurt 2019. We are pleased that 250 participants from the literature trade and cultural life took part in sounding the starting shot for the project – which will be the largest ever Norwegian cultural initiative abroad.

The project also includes a comprehensive culture framework programme and implies an important boost for Norwegian literature and other art forms internationally.
NORLA will head the work leading up to 2019, in close collaboration with authors, publishers, agents, arts institutions, the export network Norwegian Arts Abroad and other cultural stakeholders on the creation of a compelling and attractive programme. The project also includes a comprehensive culture framework programme and implies an important boost for Norwegian literature and other art forms internationally.
Among the topics addressed during the course of the day were the significance of being a guest of honour nation, the programme’s framework and opportunities, experiences of former guest of honour nations and what Norway’s message and profile will be.
Several prominent contributors were on the programme, from both Norway and abroad. State Secretary Laila Bokhari opened the conference and in her speech announced the wonderful news that Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit will assume the role of ambassador of Norwegian literature abroad and that she will work in particular with the Frankfurt project in the coming years! Read the Crown Princess’ wonderful speech at the conference here. Director Juergen Boos from the Book Fair in Frankfurt provided interesting insight on the history of the book fair and its focus on freedom of expression.
Other contributors at the planning and input conference were author Åsne Seierstad, Publishing Director Anne Gaathaug, architect Håkon Matre Aaserød and Cathrine Pia Lund from Innovation Norway. There were also presentations from the Netherlands by Bas Pauw, project manager for the Netherlands & Flanders (Guest of Honour in 2016) and Germany by Museum Director Matthias Wagner K, publisher Barbara Weidle and journalist Clemens Bomsdorf.
We would like to thank all contributors and participants for a wonderful day and look forward to the continued work. To quote Minister of Culture Linda Hofstad Helland: “Everything is in place to ensure that we will accomplish something spectacular!”
See some of the highlights from the conference here:

Read her speech in English here.

He offered Norway ten pieces of good advice – you can read them (in Norwegian) here.

If you have any ideas or input, we would greatly appreciate your contacting us at frankfurt19@norla.no
All photographs: Kristin Svorte.