Application deadline: Translation subsidy and Production subsidy
Please note that there are new application deadlines in 2025, with three deadlines in total, for Norwegian books in all genres:
1 February, 1 June and 1 October.
NORLA is also contributing funding to a Norwegian-American literature festival being organised in New York to take place 21−23 May.
Dag Solstad, Karl Ove Knausgård, Ane Farsethås (Culture Editor of Morgenbladet) and James Wood (The New Yorker) will present and talk with the authors Carl Frode Tiller, Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold, Lars Petter Sveen and Gunnhild Øyehaug.
Lydia Davis and Dag Solstad will discuss writing family history on the basis of Lydia Davis having learned Norwegian and read Solstad’s novel The Insoluble Epic Element in Telemark in the Years 1592–1896 (Original title: Det uoppløselige episke element i Telemark i perioden 1591–1896).
Read more about Lydia Davis and her heartfelt passion for Dag Solstad’s latest novel here.
Karl Ove Knausgård’s recently resurrected band Lemen from his student days will play, and a discussion between Karl Ove Knausgård and James Wood about literature and music is scheduled.
Please note that there are new application deadlines in 2025, with three deadlines in total, for Norwegian books in all genres:
1 February, 1 June and 1 October.
The Writers’ Guild of Norway (in Norwegian: Dramatikerforbundet) may award grants for the translation of Norwegian dramatic works to other languages. The primary purpose of the grant scheme is to contribute to the presentation/production of Norwegian drama abroad.