Previous activities

February 5-February 8
Oslo and Bergen, Norway

German journalists to Oslo and Bergen

We look forward to welcoming fourteen German journalists to Norway as a prelude to the Norwegian Guest of Honour program at the Leipziger Buchmesse (March 27–30). The press trip consists of two days in Oslo and two in Bergen, where participants will meet many Norwegian authors and take part in the LitFest Bergen festival. The journalists will also have the opportunity to meet literary agents and other key players in the book industry, as well as representatives from the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

February 3
Oslo, Norway

Welcome to an event in Oslo with Norwegian and German authors: "You Have a New Friend Request!"

In late summer 2024, three Norwegian and three German authors were paired together. Since the autumn, they have exchanged letters about writing, daily life, the world, and life itself.
They met in person for the first time in Leipzig in October, where they shared their thoughts and letters with an attentive and inspired audience. Now, they are bringing this unique literary exchange to Oslo and readers in Norway are invited to meet the authors and hear their perspectives on the world and the future.

Meet the three Norwegian authors Peter F. Strassegger, Kristin Vego, and Helene Imislund in conversation with Matthias Jügler, Kristina Schilke, and Janin Wölke.
Moderators: Andrine Pollen and Oliver Møystad (NORLA).

February 1

Application deadline: Translation subsidy and Production subsidy

Please note that there are new application deadlines in 2025, with three deadlines in total, for Norwegian books in all genres:
1 February, 1 June and 1 October.

January 20
Berlin, Germany

Meet the authors Vigdis Hjorth and Simon Stranger

Following NORLA’s presentation of the Norwegian Guest of Honour program for Leipziger Buchmesse (March 27-30), there will be a literary event at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin with two of the authors on the program.
The German audience get to meet Vigdis Hjorth and Simon Stranger in conversation with Thomas Böhm.
The event takes place in the Felleshus, on Monday January 20 at 19:00, and is completely sold out. Read more (in German).

January 20
Berlin, Germany

Press conference: launch of Norway's Guest of Honour program for this year's Leipzig Book Fair

NORLA will hold a press conference at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin on Monday 20 January, at 11:00.
We look forward to preseting the Norwegian program for Leipziger Buchmesse taking place in March 2025, where Norway is Guest of Honour.

January 15

Application deadline: Author and lecturer visits to institutions of higher learning abroad

NORLA administrates the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ scheme for travel grants for authors and lecturers who will visit institutions of higher learning abroad where instruction is given in the Norwegian language.

January 14-January 17

NORLA to meet Nordic colleagues in Reykjavik

Representatives from NORLA’s staff will be attending a seminar with our Nordic colleagues – members of the NordLit network – January 14-17.
The employees at the Nordic literary offices meet annually, and this year the meeting will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland.

We look forward to exchanging experiences and future plans with our colleagues!

December 20 2024-January 5

Holiday hours at NORLA

At NORLA we will close for the Christmas holiday Thursday afternoon, December 19.
The office will reopen on Monday, January 6.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 4-December 6 2024
Rome, Italy

NORLA at the Rome Book Fair and Italian Networking Event

From December 4–6, NORLA will attend the Rome Book Fair, Più libri più liber, for the first time, motivated by Norway’s upcoming role as Guest of Honour at the Bologna Book Fair in 2026. Alongside a tour of the fair, NORLA will meet with small and medium-sized publishers.

On Thursday, December 5, NORLA is hosting a networking event in collaboration with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Rome. The aim is to provide information on NORLA’s activities and to establish connections between Italian publishers and Norwegian literary agents.

November 26 2024-December 4 2024
Guadalajara, Mexico

NORLA and Norwegian participants to Mexico

From December 1-4, NORLA and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Mexico will once again be present with a stand at the Guadalajara Book Fair in Mexico, which is the world’s largest Spanish-speaking book fair.

November 26 2024

Meeting of NORLA’s expert committee for fiction

Meeting of NORLA’s expert committee for fiction, for the consideration of applications for translation subsidies with deadline 1 November.

November 25 2024

Meeting of NORLA’s expert committee for non-fiction

Meeting of NORLA’s expert committee for non-fiction, for the consideration of applications for translation subsidies with deadline 1 November.

November 22-November 24 2024
Paris, France

Norwegian Literature at the Musée d’Orsay

On Friday, November 22, Margit Walsø and Andrine Pollen will introduce NORLA, along with Norwegian literature and the publishing industry, to Scandinavian Studies students at the Sorbonne University. Students will also meet authors Katrine Nedrejord and Lars Saabye Christensen, who will present themselves and their literary works. Katrine Nedrejord’s book The Sami Problem (original title: Sameproblemet ) will feature in a workshop on translation.

On Saturday, November 23, Marta Breen will deliver a lecture titled Women’s Place, followed by a discussion on ecology and minorities, between Kathrine Nedrejord and translator Marianne Ségol-Samoy, who has translated works by Nedrejord and also Jon Fosse into French.

Marianne Ségol-Samoy will also join a conversation with Gabriel Dufay, an actor, director, and Jon Fosse enthusiast, about the Nobel Prizes in Literature.

November 1 2024

Application deadline: Translation subsidy and Production subsidy

Please note that there are new application deadlines in 2024, with three deadlines in total, for Norwegian books in all genres:
1 February, 1 April and 1 November

October 28 2024

Deadline: Submission of Endorsements for The Fosse Prize for Translators of Norwegian Literature

Following Jon Fosse’s Nobel Prize in Literature in 2023, the Norwegian government has established a new annual initiative to honor the author—a yearly Fosse Lecture with accompanying events organized by the National Library, where a Fosse Prize for Translators, worth NOK 500,000, will also be awarded. Through this initiative, the government aims to emphasize the importance of Fosse’s authorship, both in Norway and internationally.

NORLA is responsible for nominating candidates and is now requesting suggestions for eligible candidates for the nomination process. We welcome endorsements that meet certain criteria, with a brief justification (maximum 1 page), by October 28, 2024, 12:00 (CET).