March 17-March 20 2016

Norwegian authors and NORLA to Leipzig Book Fair

Norwegian authors and NORLA will participate also this year at the Book Fair in Leipzig, Germany. Look forward to meeting the following six authors: Tor Fretheim, Gard Sveen, Tore Rem, Ingvild H. Rishøi, Audhild Solberg and Arne Svingen.
Oliver Møystad will take part from NORLA.

See details for all events with Norwegian authors below and here.

Children- and Young Adult Literature:

Thursday, March 17
10:00 – 11:00 Arne Svingen | Die Ballade von der gebrochenen Nase
Theater der Jungen Welt

11:00 – 11:30 A. Audhild Solberg | Bandbattle
Lesebude 1, Halle 2, F315

12:30 – 13:00 Arne Svingen | Die Ballade von der gebrochenen Nase
Nordisches Forum, Halle 4, D300

15:30 – 16:00 Tor Fretheim | Die Stille nach Nina Simone
Lese-Treff, Halle 2, G501

Friday, March 18
10:00 – 11:00 Tor Fretheim | Die Stille nach Nina Simone
Veranstaltungstonne der DAA

10:30 – 11:30 A. Audhild Solberg | Bandbattle
LeISA – Soziokulturelles Zentrum Die VILLA

Fiction / Non-fiction:

Friday, March 18
13.00 – 13.30 Ingvild Rishøi “Winternovellen”
Nordisches Forum, Halle 4, Stand D300

19.00 – 19.30 Tore Rem “Knut Hamsun. Die Reise zu Hitler”
naTo, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 46 04275 Leipzig Süd

21.30 – 22.00 Ingvild Rishøi “Winternovellen”
naTo, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 46 04275 Leipzig Süd

Saturday, March 19

13.30 – 14.00 Amalie Skram “Professor Hieronimus”. Presentation by publisher Sebastian Guggolz
Nordisches Forum, Halle 4, Stand D300

14.00 – 14.30 Gard Sveen “Der letzte Pilger”, Kriminalroman
Nordisches Forum, Halle 4, Stand D300

15.00 – 15.30 Tore Rem “Knut Hamsun. Die Reise zu Hitler”
Nordisches Forum, Halle 4, Stand D300

15.30 – 16.00 Ingvild H. Rishøi “Winternovellen”
Nordisches Forum, Halle 4, Stand D300

16.30 – 17.00 Tore Rem “Knut Hamsun. Die Reise zu Hitler”
Stand Eulenspiegel-Verlag

19.00 Große skandinavische Kriminacht:
Gard Sveen “Der letzte Pilger” with Cilla & Rolf Börjlind and Helene Tursten.
Moderator: Antje Deistler, Lesung deutscher Text: Roeland Wiesnekker
Chocolate, Barfußgäßchen 12, 04109, Leipzig (City Centre)

Sunday, March 20
10.30 – 11.00 Tore Rem “Knut Hamsun. Die Reise zu Hitler”
Forum Sachbuch, Halle 5.0, Stand C200

11.30 – 12.00 Amalie Skram “Professor Hieronimus”. Presentation by publisher Sebastian Guggolz
Nordisches Forum, Halle 4, Stand D300

12.30 – 13.00 Ingvild Rishøi “Winternovellen”
Nordisches Forum, Halle 4, Stand D300

At Flickr you may enjoy the book covers of Norwegian books published in German through translation subsidies from NORLA since 2011.

The complete book fair program is available here.

See the book fair’s complete event program for children/young adult literature here.

Read more about the book fair here.

Upcoming activities

October 24-October 27
Krakow, Poland

Extensive Norwegian Program at the Krakow Book Fair

From October 24-27, NORLA will participate in the Krakow Book Fair in collaboration with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw. The book fair coincides with the Joseph Conrad Festival in Krakow. NORLA and the embassy will have a stand at the book fair, with various activities including a bookstore, book signings, Norwegian language courses, and more.

In addition, NORLA will be hosting a seminar for non-fiction publishers and Norwegian literary agents on Thursday, October 24, featuring the authors Bjørn Berge and Ingvild Holtan-Hartwig.
Authors Kjersti Anfinnsen, Karl Ove Knausgård, Maja Lunde, and Lars Saabye Christensen have been invited by their Polish publishers to participate in the book fair and/or the Conrad Festival.

Please see our Facebook-event here

October 28

Deadline: Submission of Endorsements for The Fosse Prize for Translators of Norwegian Literature

Following Jon Fosse’s Nobel Prize in Literature in 2023, the Norwegian government has established a new annual initiative to honor the author—a yearly Fosse Lecture with accompanying events organized by the National Library, where a Fosse Prize for Translators, worth NOK 500,000, will also be awarded. Through this initiative, the government aims to emphasize the importance of Fosse’s authorship, both in Norway and internationally.

NORLA is responsible for nominating candidates and is now requesting suggestions for eligible candidates for the nomination process. We welcome endorsements that meet certain criteria, with a brief justification (maximum 1 page), by October 28, 2024, 12:00 (CET).

November 1

Application deadline: Translation subsidy and Production subsidy

Please note that there are new application deadlines in 2024, with three deadlines in total, for Norwegian books in all genres:
1 February, 1 April and 1 November