10 Daring Expeditions
10 ville ekspedisjonar
Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. Ellen MacArthur sailed across stormy, rocky seas the whole world over – all by herself. And no-one has even been as far beneath the earth’s surface like Gennadij Samokhin.
Throughout 10 Daring Expeditions, we learn about all three of them, as well as seven other great explorers. What drives a person to travel to where no man has ever been before? What makes them climb higher, dive deeper, and blaze a trail into a world that is often cold, wet and dangerous, without ever knowing whether they will make it back? In 10 Daring Expeditions, we find out about the last century of pioneers who have dared to pit themselves against the forces of nature, and to confront the unknown. Usually we only hear about expeditions that are successful – ones where the explorers reach their goal, or set the record that they hoped for. Yet there are countless adventurers who never make it. Fridtjof Nansen didn’t reach the North Pole how he had planned, and others never came back.
10 Daring Expeditions is an entertaining, educational depiction of the fundamental human desire to test boundaries and search for answers. These are stories that will challenge young readers and provide them with great role models.
The next book in the series, 10 Incredible Discoveries, is scheduled for publication in 2019.