Meet the Authors

Behind every title, there is an author – sometimes an illustrator as well.
Here you can learn more about our selected-title authors.


Petter Bøckman - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Petter Bøckman. He has written Animals Like Us (original title: Oss dyr imellom). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Are Kalvø - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Are Kalvø. He has written Only Countryfolk Long for Home (original title: Berre bønder lengtar heim). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Ingvild Holtan-Hartwig - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Ingvild Holtan-Hartwig. She has written The Tundra Doctor (original title: Legen på vidda. Et år i Karasjok). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Bjørn Berge - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Bjørn Berge. He has written Smell – The Tale of a Fading Sense (original title: Lukt. Fortellingen om en falmet sans), which is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024. The book is illustrated with monoprints by visual artist Anette Rosenberg.


Darya Shut - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Darya Shut . She has written The Price of Freedom. My Father, Me, and the Dictator (original title: Frihetens pris – min far, jeg og diktatoren). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Lars Fr. H. Svendsen - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Lars Fr. H. Svendsen. He has written Stupidity, Idiocy and Stupid Idiots – A Philosophy of Idiocy (original title: Dumhet, idioti og dumme idioter. Hvorfor du bør tenke selv – og sammen med andre). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Per Dybvig - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Per Dybvig. He has written and illustrated The Line (original title: De står i kø), which is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Pernille Tufte Radeid and Jannicke Hansen - Selected Title Authors

We are happy to present our selected title author Pernille Tufte Radeid. She has written Unsolved Mysteries from Around the World (original title: Uløste mysterier fra hele verden), which is illustrated by Jannicke Hansen. The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Kirste Paltto and Sunna Kitti - Selected Title Authors

We are happy to present our selected title author Kirste Paltto. She has written Strange Happenings at Wild Lake (original title in North Saami: Luohtojávrri oainnáhusat), which is illustrated by Sunna Kitti. The book is also translated from North Saami into Norwegian by Marit Kirsten Guttorm and Inga Ravna Eira: Underlige hendelser ved villmarkssjøen, and it is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Reidar Müller and Sigbjørn Lilleeng - Selected Title Authors

We are happy to present our selected title author Reidar Müller. He has written Life is Dangerous! The Amazing Story of the Evolution of Life from Bacteria to You (original title: Livet er livsfarlig! Den utrolige historien om livets utvikling fra bakterier til deg). The book is illustrated by Sigbjørn Lilleeng, and it is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Hilde Myklebust and Bård Sletvold Torkildsen - Selected Title Authors

We are happy to present our selected title author Hilde Myklebust. She has written The Piglet with the Straight Tail (original title: Grisungen med den rette halen), which is illustrated by Bård Sletvold Torkildsen. The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.


Ane Barmen and Skinkeape - Selected Title Authors

We are happy to present our selected title author Ane Barmen. She has written Melody! (original title: Tone!), which is illustrated by Skinkeape. The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.