Bjørn Ousland
Bjørn Ousland

Northward - With Nansen to the North Pole

Nordover. Med Nansen mot Nordpolen

Midsummer Eve 1893, the canons sound at Akershus fortress and the ship Fram sails into Oslofjord. The ship is on its way to the North Pole and Fridtjof Nansen is on board.

Ousland presents the relationships onboard the Fram during the three-year expedition to the polar ice, and the dramatic attempt to reach the pole itself by ski and sled. The book includes everything from text and illustrations to cartoon strips, making Northward a fast-paced non-fiction book guaranteed to appeal to young readers.

“A brilliant idea… Ousland has succeeded in making this a truly exciting tale.”

Photo: June Witzøe

Bjørn Ousland is a cartoonist and illustrator. He has received several awards for his children’s book illustrations and for his cartoons, which have been published abroad.