Handbook for Young Antiracists
Håndbok for unge antirasister
Handbook for Young Antiracists by Tinashe Willamson spotlights the important topic of racism. Through ten chapters and ten fictional characters Williamson answers questions about what racism really is, why representation is important and what you can do if someone is discriminated against because of the colour of their skin.
Racism is a complicated topic for grown-ups to navigate, and many find it hard to talk to their children about it. For what can you say? Where do you begin?
This engaging, including and thorough book is written in the form of a diary, with tasks and conversations that the children can easily bring up at home or with their friends or classmates. The goal is to pass on the knowledge to the generation that is growing up now, to give them the feeling that they have the power to change the world. Together we are stronger, and by just acknowledging the problem we can do something about it.
This is the perfect book on the topic for children 9 years and up, and it works just as well at home as in a teaching situation.
Illustrated by Thea Jacobsen.
‘Tinashe Williamson has written a book that is easy to understand and utterly engaging. The book obviously has great potential to start important conversations between people from different generations.’