Sturle Brustad

Longstalk city


For ages 7–10 years.

Nils and Lingalina live in the Underbrush, in the shadow of enormous Longstalk City. They are best friends and they are about to compete for the title Water Child of the Year. Nils is apprehensive: Lingalina is probably the best swimmer, but what will happen if she wins? Will he ever see her again?

An exciting fantasy story about daring to do what you believe is right for those you care about – and how difficult it can be when everybody else thinks it’s the wrong thing.

Gyldendal 2009

Bok 169
Forfatter 169
Photo: Christian Elgvin

Sturle Brustad grew up in Buskerud. He has an education in civil economics from Bergen and lives in Oslo. His first book was Anarchy in Åmot, a novel for adults, published in 2007 and sold to Sweden. Longstalk City is his first children’s book.