Herman Flesvig
Erlend Loe
Bård Sletvold Torkildsen (ill.)

Herman - Tales from an undiagnosed childhood

Herman: Historier fra en udiagnostisert oppvekst

“Inside my head you will find the largest city in the world, traffic is humming day and night, the streets have no names and I play one hundred instruments at the same time.” Welcome inside the head of Herman. This is a head not quite like all others. As a child Herman is a little bit different. A little too much. Someone who cannot pay attention, learn quickly enough, do what he’s supposed to. But inside Herman’s head, things are moving so much faster than for other people. He is Mr. Miyagi, he has a whole world inside his T-shirt, he has a triangle on his weenie, he fights with a samurai sword in the forest. The thing is, though, that no one else knows this. They are busy with listening to what the teacher is saying.

Herman is a book for children – and those who once were children. This is a story for anyone who has ever felt a bit different and alone. And for all others, too. The book is written by Erlend Loe and illustrated by Bård Sletvold Torkildsen.

Herman Flesvig (b. 1992) is multi-talented creator, who is active as a comedian, actor, podcaster and screen writer. He has made huge success in Norway with TV series, which he has written and acted in, and with his podcasts.

Erlend Loe (b. 1969) is one of Norway’s bestselling authors. He writes for both children and adults. His children’s series about Kurt is hugely successful, and for Who Buttocked the Brown Cheese? Loe received BolognaRagazzi Award – COMICS (2022).