Who By Friday?
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Who by Friday? is a novel about wanting and not wanting, love between friends, a stupid mistake, a mother’s troubled heart, painful loss and intense longing.
Nelly takes a day off one Friday in April. Her friends Gry, Unni, Mari and Ellinor are coming for dinner. Nelly wants to spend the day choosing flowers, wine and food, going to yoga and calling the man she sometimes sleeps with. But she is uneasy. It’s a changeover day, Linda is supposed to be going to her father’s, and apparently Grandma has had a bad fall. In addition, Nelly has forgotten something she should have remembered. How firm is the ground beneath her feet at this point in her life? Is she losing Linda? Will she die alone?
The spring evening is surprisingly warm. Her friends arrive, clink glasses of bubbly and smoke on the terrace. The evening is heating up.