Magnhild Bruheim

The Motorcycle Mystery

Stian og Stine: Motorsykkelmysteriet

This is the first book in the suspense series about Stian and Stine. Stian and Stine are the same age and live in the same house. They are siblings who have just become part of a new family. But to get a new brother or sister just like that is not always easy! So it is a stroke of luck that both Stian and Stine like to solve mysteries.

One evening something mysterious happened in the neighborhood, and their search for an answer leads Stian and Stine into several scary situations.

Magnhild Bruheim has written an engaging thriller for younger readers, and fortunately there will be several books about the siblings Stian and Stine and all the mysteries they stumble into!

Photo: Gudmund Moren

Magnhild Bruheim made her debut with the criminal novel Varselet in 1997, and has since written several books both for adults and youngsters. She has worked as a journalist in several departments in NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting), both in Oslo and Lillehammer. The last few years, she has worked as full-time writer and freelance journalist.