Stella East

Wolf cub sim

Ulevungen sim - Forteljingar om verda utanfor

The little wolf cub Sim is a playful creature. In the wolf park mother Una tells of the World Outside – running over vast fields, hunting with the flock, scurrying through the woods and howling at the moon. Sim marvels at the idea of being free and tumble about with all outdoors as his own playground.

This beautifully illustrated book presents Sim, a wolf cub born in captivity and his mother Una, who longingly recounts tender tales of the world outside of the wolf park. At the back of the book is a listing of figure and facts regarding wolves.

Through Stella East`s texts and detailed, dreamlike illustrations, the reader is drawn into an enchanting world of animal life and is left dreaming, like Sim, of the day humans allow wolves to run free in their natural habitat once more.

Skald forlag 2006

Stella East, originally from Canada, has lived in Norway for several years. She has studied art in USA, Great Britain and Norway, and illustrates picture books for both Norwegian and international publishers. Many of her illustrations have won awards and been purchased by the Norwegian National Library. Examples of her work include illustrations for Jostein Gaarder´s Christmas Mystery, Tor Åge Bringsværd´s Buddha, and two picture books written by Maxine Trottier. She has been nominated for several prizes in Canada.