Ragnar Hovland



When Anders realizes that his parents are intending to divorce, he abandons them and his sisters and makes for the woods. There, he takes possession of a house that once belonged to Dobbel-Aksel, who hanged himself from the branches of a birch tree many years ago. He is determined to put his former life behind him and live the life of a backwoodsman. But he is not left alone for long, as he soon has a visitor, Hilmar, a mystery man who emerges from the depths of the forest. After Hilmar, more and more people begin to seek him out in his hideaway. The world outside can no longer be denied. What is he going to do for love? And how ought he to respond when Hilmar urges him to accompany him on a hazardous mission? Anders soon realizes that life in the wilds is very different from the way he had imagined it – and much more dangerous.

Outlaw was awarded the Norwegian Critics’ Prize for best children and youths’ book in 2006. The jury has the following assessment:

“Reading Hovland is like walking through a thick forest, without knowing where it will end, or what awaits one. Hovland creates new landscapes and reveals sunlit clearings within – filled with mysteries and poetry. Hovland is awarded the prize for having written the defiant education novel Outlaw, which will henceforth be considered a classic."

Samlaget 2006

Ragnar Hovland has, since his debut in 1979, published more than thirty books in almost every genres. He has been translated into other languages and has been awarded a number of literary prizes. It’s been said that Hovland is a typical Norwegian author, yet he could have been a Texas writer.

Alltid fleire dagar, novel 1979/1987
Den flygande sykkelen og andre fortejlingar, children’s book 1981
Vegen smal og porten trang, stories, 1981/1999
Sveve over vatna, novel 1982/1988/1997
Bussen til Peking, 1984
Elefantmusikken, poems for children, 1985/2004
Professor Moreaus løyndom, novel 1985
Emil og Kaffikokaren, children’s book. 1987
Utanfor sesongen, nobel. 1988/1991
Mercedes, novel for youth. 1989
Sjølvmord i Skilpaddekaféen, texts. 1989, 1992
Konspirasjonar, essays 1990
Paradis, novel 1991
Ein motorsykkel i natta, novel for youth. 1992, 2002
Bjørnen Alfred og hunden Samuel forlèt Pappkartonge. Children’s book. 1993
Eline og Julie tar ferja, novel 1994
Katten til Ivar Aasen møter hunden frå Baskerville, Poems for children 1996.
Dr. Muncks testamente, 1996/1997/2004
Åleine i Alpane. 20 bøker, 1999, 2006
Ei vinterreise, novel. 2001/2002
Norske gleder, 2002
Verdt å vite [trur eg], essay for young adults 2002
1964, novel. 2006.