The History of South Africa. Pre-colonial society, apartheid and liberation
Sør-Afrikas historie. Førkoloniale samfunn, apartheid og frigjøring
In this important work, Tore Linné Eriksen presents a broad narrative about the extraordinary, tumultuous history of South Africa. Stretching from the societies that created rich and vibrant cave paintings almost 30,000 years ago, through colonisation to the free South Africa of today.
The History of South Africa has been received enthusiastically by critics, who have emphasized how it is an expert account that is simultaneously engaging due to its unadorned, accessible style and the author’s obvious passion for the subject matter. Overarching historical event is juxtaposed with individuals on the ground level.
Richly illustrated with maps and photographs, timelines and fact boxes, in addition to an overview of elections, presidents and prime ministers.

‘The history book we were in need of has finally arrived (…) masterfully written and a treasure for anyone interested in South Africa’s history and the challenges ahead facing the country and its people.’
Ny Tid
’ will become a standard reference work.’
Vårt Land
‘(…) a highly topical, informative and accessible book on the history of South Africa.’