Bjørn F. Rørvik
Per Dypvig

Reynard´s Reveille - Piggy post

Reveljen - Griseposten

New read-aloud gem about Fox and Piglet that is especially entertaining for all children and adults with a sense of humor!

In the thirteenth book about Fox and Piglet, the two friends decide to start a newspaper. But it isn’t that easy to find exciting news in the forest! A mouse who almost trips isn’t that fun to write about. And what will they have on the front page? Luckily, the King of the Forest is coming to visit, and then things start to pick up.

Photo: Observatoriet

Since Bjørn F. Rørvik’s first book was published in 1996, he has become one of the most successful and renowned children’s books authors in Norway. His book-series about The Three Billy Goats Gruff (ill. Gry Moursund), Purriot (ill. Ragnar Aalbu) and Fox & Piglet (ill. Per Dybvig) has sold in hundreds of thousands of books in Norway alone. His writing is full of crazy humour and original concoctions that make them great fun for readers of all ages.

Bjørn knows quite a lot about birds and animals, and enjoy traveling around Norway reading from his books.

Per Dybvig (b. 1964) is an artist and one of our foremost children’s book illustrators. He has received many awards for his drawings and his work has been featured in solo exhibitions. In 2005 he and Bjørn Rørvik were co-recipients of the Ministry for Culture and Church Affairs’ Literary Award for the Fox and Piglet books. In 2015 he published the book The Hunter (Jegeren); his critically acclaimed solo publication.