Activities in 2024
In 2024, the Norwegian Guest of Honour project for the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2026 was in the works. Here you will find more information about events in 2024 related to the Guest of Honour initiative.

On September 9th – 11th, we had the pleasure of offering a Norwegian-Italian book trade meeting in Oslo. The program comprised a range of events, like visits to Norwegian publishing houses, as well as meetings between Norwegian and Italian editors, plus literary agents. The event was a successful first collaboration between Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Oslo and NORLA, and was met with great enthusiasm by all parties.
Read more about the event in New Italian Books.
From December 4–6, NORLA attended the Rome Book Fair, Più libri più liber, for the first time, motivated by Norway’s upcoming role as Guest of Honour at the Bologna Book Fair in 2026. Alongside a tour of the fair, NORLA had fruitfukl meetings with several small and medium-sized publishers.
On December 5, we hosted a book trade meeting in collaboration with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Rome. The aim was to provide information on NORLA’s activities and to establish connections between Italian publishers and Norwegian literary agents. At this event, Siri Nergaard, professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway (Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge), delivered a presentation on Norwegian literature and translation into Italian, and Bruno Giancarlo from the Italian Publishers Association (AIT) offered insights into the Italian book industry.
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