Activities in Germany an Norway: Meetings between Norwegian and German authors
We are thrilled to launch the project Du hast eine neue Freundschaftsanfrage! (You Have a New Friend Request!), which is part of the Norwegian Guest of Honour initiative.
Since the early autumn of 2024, Norwegian authors Peter F. Strassegger, Helene Imislund, and Kristin Vego have been exchanging letters with their German colleagues Matthias Jügler, Janin Wölke, and Kristina Schilke.

In October they met each other for the first time, face to face, and read their letters aloud in an open event in Leipzig, during the Literarischer Herbst festival (in German) – an attracted an enthused audience.
In February, they repeated the success at an event in Oslo.
The project idea was originally created by the Netherlands and Flanders when they were joint Guest of Honour at the Leipziger Buchmesse in 2024, and will be continued when Norway is Guest of Honour at the book fair in March 27-30, 2025.