Christmas Greetings from NORLA
A great year for Norwegian literature exports is now behind us. Norway has been the Guest of Honour at the world’s most important book fair and this huge endeavour, which NORLA has worked on for more than six years, has been a success; never has a Guest of Honour drawn so much media attention in the German-speaking countries and sales figures are record high. The literary program at the book fair engaged the public and the cultural program attracted attention all over Germany.
You can find out more about these figures here.

NORLA was responsible for implementing the project, but without all its partners and colleagues it would never have been realised. First and foremost, we would like to thank the authors who took part in the program, and also the translators, agents, publishers, organisations in Norwegian Arts Abroad, and all the partners and sponsors. Thanks to you this dream became a reality.
In the new year which is fast approaching NORLA will work to ensure that Frankfurt 2019 is followed by a strong, targeted effort for Norwegian literature abroad. We will utilise all that worked so well during our Guest of Honour year; the authors program, the cooperation with translators and our good partners in Norway, the contact with the international cultural press and not least the cooperation with the bookstores. It is also beautifully symbolic that the wonderful furniture used in the Guest of Honour Pavilion will live on as book-table sculptures in 20 bookstores throughout Germany.
Happy Christmas!