
Dilek Carelius - Translator of the Month

Dilek Basak Carelius is a translator of both non-fiction and fiction from Norwegian to Turkish. She has translated books by Erlend Loe, Vigdis Hjorth and Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, among others. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in English language and literature from Bosphorous University and a Master’s degree in theatre studies from the University of Oslo. Dilek lives in Oslo and her translation of Linn Ullmann’s Unquiet is just about to be published.

Dilek Carelius. The picture is taken in Seljord, Norway.

In our interview, we asked Dilek:
Which book are you translating right now?
I am translating Linn Ullmann’s novel Unquiet and Maria Parr’s Astrid the Unstoppable. My dad died three years ago and these last books I have translated happen to begin with almost the same sentence: “Dad is dead” (Doppler, Will and Testament (original title: Arv og miljø) and Unquiet (original title: De urolige). The universe wants me to process Dad’s passing through translations.

Those of you who understand Norwegian can read Dilek’s Translator of the Month interview in full here.

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Learn more about Dilek on Books from Norway.

Other translators interviewed in our Translator of the Month series.