Sámi literature on the rise
Today is the National Sami Day! We in NORLA are proud to be contributing to the translation of Sámi literature, and here are some recent highlights.

NORLA have the pleasure to be involved with a range of projects focusing on Sámi literature. At the end of January, we organised a webinar together with Livres Canada Books, bringing Canadian and Norwegian publishers together. The aim was to share information and experiences about indigenous publishing, as well as initiating potential projects for the future.
-It was our first time organizing a webinar for Sámi publishers, and it turned out to be very fruitful. These types of webinars can be efficient channels for further collaborations, says senior adviser Oliver Møystad, who is under the impression that the Sami publishers attending found the meeting useful.

Spooky news
NORLA also offer funding schemes for translations from Sámi to other languages. We have for instance supported the translation to English of Sami ghost stories for young adults, Dološ balddonasat by Edel Marit Gaino, which published in autumn 2022.
The book is translated by Olivia Lasky in collaboration with Lea Simma and published by Inhabit Education Books in Canada, who publishes in four different languages. In addition to English, Dološ balddonasat was also translated from Sámi to the indigenous language Inuktitut – the very first book of its kind!
Writing in Kautokeino

Last autumn, NORLA was invited to attend a celebration of the Sámi Writing Studies in Kautokeino. The Writing Studies is run by Samisk Forfatterforening with support from Sametinget (The Sami Parliament) and Samisk Kunstnerråd and has now graduated three classes of students.
The courses have resulted in the anthology Čális fal! (Write away), containing texts from new aspiring Sámi authors. The programme, which has been conducted by Karen Anne Buljo and Inga Ravna Eira, will be included in the overall offer at Samisk Høgskole (Sámi College University) in Karasjok going forward.
Sami translation pastry shop
We will of course be continuing to disseminate Sámi literature throughout the year and look forward to our digital translation pastry shop with a Sámi theme already on the 15th of February. The pastry shop is open for everyone translating books published in Norway.
Until then we wish our Sámi friends and the Sámi community a wonderful celebration.
Læhkoeh biejjine – Vuorbbe biejvijn – Lihkku beivviin – Gratulerer med dagen!

Read more
Learn more about the Sámi national day
Read more about the Sámi languages
The following Sámi publishing houses took part in the webinar with Canadian publishing houses:
ABC Company | Čálliid Lágádus | Davvi Girji OS | Idut AS
Learn about the inuktitut language