Super Week. How ovulation kickstarts your career, workouts, creativity and dating life – every month
Superuka - Hvordan syklusens beste uke hjelper deg med jobb, trening, kreativitet og ligging!
The female cycle has a well-kept secret. The seven days leading up to ovulation. For healthy, menstruating women this week bring a cascade of gifts; extra self-confidence, sex drive, creativity, happiness and can transform us into emphatic hard-working machines. We all know about the lows of PMS, blood and pain, but we never really talk about the opposite side. ‘A couple of days before the egg pops, a queue of cool hormones party in your body, its like a Red Bull topped off with an Irish Coffee mixed with a few lines of natural cocaine’, Line Tiller writes in Super Week. She has interviewed researchers, doctors and experts on the subject, and injected her own experiences related to these up until now hidden and very special days. When you know how to take advantage of this natural high it can change the way you work, date, plan, eat, talk, sleep, negotiate and work out – every month. In this riveting, funny, shameless, and informative book you learn how you can make the most of your Super Week.