
Krystalli Glyniadakis - Translator of the Month

November’s translator of the month is Krystalli Glyniadakis from Greece. She is an award-winning poet with a weakness for Norwegian nature, open-water swimming (i.e. in the sea, lakes or rivers), salmon, warm clothes and Ottoman history.
Krystalli works as an editor at a publishing house in Athens and she fell in love with the Norwegian language about 23 years ago, when her Norwegian girlfriend spoke on the phone to people back home. Now she, too, can almost do the same.

Krystalli Glyniadakis

In our interview, we asked Krystalli:
What question should we have asked you?
You should have asked me if any of my translations have helped Greek readers build curiosity for Norway :-) The answer is yes!
Jo Nesbø’s books have, of course, made many people travel to Oslo, but even more importantly: many readers I have talked to got excited about the quiet but active, resilient and self-sufficient life of most Norwegians. Which means that a certain “cultural” truth is actually transmitted across national borders.

Those of you who understand Norwegian can read Krystalli’s Translator of the Month interview in full here.

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Learn more about Krystall on Books from Norway.

Other translators interviewed in our Translator of the Month series.