
Our reading tips for World Book Day 2020

For everybody working at NORLA, sparking the joy of reading is a true privilege. And today we are happy to celebrate World Book Day by recommending books from our selected spring titles.

Spring's selected titles on display at NORLA's premises. The table is from the collection of furniture of Norway's Guest of Honour pavilion at the 2019 Frankfurter Buchmesse, all designed by manthey kula and LCLA Office.
(Photo: Ellen Trautmann Olerud).
Spring's selected titles on display at NORLA's premises. The table is from the collection of furniture of Norway's Guest of Honour pavilion at the 2019 Frankfurter Buchmesse, all designed by manthey kula and LCLA Office. (Photo: Ellen Trautmann Olerud).

You will find more information on all the spring titles here, and quite a few also include sample translations in English.

Happy Reading!

Per Øystein’s recommended title:

Nazneen Khan-Østrem
We Are The Londoners. Among gangsters, rabbis, oligarchs, rebels and other children of the British empire
(London. Blant gangstere, rabbiner, oligarker, rebeller og andre ektefødte barn av det britiske imperiet)
Kagge Forlag 2019

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Torill’s recommended title:

Dag O. Hessen
The World at the Tipping Point. How bad can it get?
(Verden på vippepunktet. Hvor ille kan det bli?)
Res Publica 2020

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Andrine’s recommended title:

Nora Dåsnes
The heart goes its own way
(Ti kniver i hjertet)
Aschehoug 2020

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Andrine also has a bonus tip:

Marius Nergård Pettersen
Sleeping Outside
(Sove ute)
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 2020

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Oliver’s recommended title:

Heidi Sævareid
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 2020

Foreign rights

Janicken’s recommended title:

Andreas Tjernshaugen
Line Renslebråten (Ill.)
The Blue Whale – The Incredible Story of the Biggest Animal that has Ever Lived
(Blåhvalen. Den utrolige historien om det største dyret som noen gang har levd)
Kagge Forlag 2020

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Margit’s recommended title:

Rune Salvesen
The Anti-Feminist
Cappelen Damm 2020

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Ellen’s recommended title:

Tore Linné Eriksen
Africa. From the first humans to the 21st century
(Afrika. Fra de første menneskene til i dag)
Cappelen Damm 2019

Foreign rights

Mette’s recommended title:

Per Schreiner
The Beast
Tiden Norsk Forlag 2019

Foreign rights

Looking to read even more?

Please consider to support your local bookseller.

Read more about World Book Day here.

We are pleased to recommend Poem of the Week, a selection of 52 poems from Norway in English and German translation.

If you happen to read Norwegian, you may also enjoy our collection of NORLA’s personal reading tips here.