Poem of the Week, week 50: Paulus Utsi: "The Shadow"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway and Sapmi, throughout the year.

In the moonshine I leave
gentle plains behind me
The shadow, the shadow
is my friend
The shadow from the skis
The shadow from the pole
My shadow
follows me
as long as the moon is shining
Paulus Utsi (1918-1975)
Translated by Roland Thorstensson from Paulus Utsi, Giela, giela, Uppsala 1975, in In the Shadow of the Midnight Sun, Contemporary Sami Prose and Poetry, edited by Harald Gaski, Davvi Girji o.s., Káráshoka 1996, p. 111.
See the poem in Sámi and Swedish
Poem of the Week
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