NORLA's (digital) translator’s pastry shop
Since June 2021, we have had the pleasure of offering a translator’s pastry shop for translators from Norwegian. This is an informal, hour-long meeting, held regularly on Zoom.
Our goal is to create a friendly forum for collegial meetings and professional exchange – a place that offers something a bit different to a regular seminar. Participants meet other translators of Norwegian literature, and the groups are kept small so that everyone can get to know each other properly.
Some times we invite translators to share topics of interest, and we have had presentations by authors, publishers and literary agents. NORLA’s stafff also contribute by presenting our Selected Titles and other relevant information. And in February we celebrate the Sámi National Day (6 February) by offering a Sámi theme.
All pastry shop guests receive a Zoom link and a simple recipe for that month’s pastry in advance. (Baking is optional)
Please note that the offer only applies to translators from Norwegian.