For agents and publishers

Do you represent one or more authors from Norway? Both Norwegian agents and foreign publishers can apply for our grant schemes.


Criteria for NORLA's translation subsidy

The aim of NORLA’s translation subsidy is to contribute to increasing the number of Norwegian books that are translated, published and distributed abroad. NORLA’s board reviews the criteria on a regular basis.
NORLA subsidises translations of Norwegian and Sami languages.

For translations from Sami languages, subsidies are granted provided the original has a Norwegian ISBN number and that it is for a market outside the Nordic region.

Application deadlines, all genres: 1.2., 1.4. and 1.11.

Translation subsidy

NORLA’s translation subsidies are intended to encourage foreign publishers to publish books by Norwegian and Sami authors of fiction and non-fiction. Publishers from the entire world, including from the Nordic region, can apply for NORLA’s subsidies for translations of Norwegian literature.

As of January 17, 2024, applications will only be accepted through NORLA’s new online application form.

Application deadlines: 1.2., 1.4. and 1.11.

Translation subsidies between Nordic languages

The Nordic Council of Ministers’ programme for art and culture will continue its funding scheme for the translation of literature and drama from one Nordic language to another.

Application deadlines: 1.2., 1.4. and 1.11.

Production subsidies for illustrated Norwegian books

NORLA has two schemes offering production subsidies for illustrated books.

As of January 17, 2024, applications will only be accepted through NORLA’s new online application form.

No fixed application deadline

Subsidies for anthologies and journals

NORLA can award subsidies for the translation of Norwegian literature for publication in journals and anthologies, etc. or other projects falling outside of the criteria for ordinary translation subsidies.

Application deadlines: 1.3. and 10.9.

Sample translations for agents and publishers

Agents and publishers in Norway and abroad can apply to NORLA for subsidies for sample translations.

No fixed application deadline, but at least one month before the event is to take place

Travel grants for Norwegian authors and lecturers invited to attend festivals, book launches/author presentations abroad

NORLA is commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to administrate an annual amount to be allocated to Norwegian authors who have been invited to festivals or conferences abroad. NORLA offers funding for book launch trips and author presentations abroad.

No fixed application deadline, but at least one month before the trip is to take place

Travel grants for publishers, the press and translators

NORLA offers funding for travel to Norway for publishers, members of the press and translators for meetings with Norwegian publishers, agents and authors.

No fixed application deadline, but at least one month before the trip is to take place

Travel grant for Norwegian agents and publishers

Funding for activities related to the export of Norwegian literature.

Application deadlines: 1.2., 1.5. and 1.9.

Grants for export and market initiatives for Norwegian books and authors abroad

The scheme is financed by NORLA with funds from the government’s investment in the cultural and creative industries, and will reinforce actors in the value chain working with the marketing and selling of Norwegian art and culture internationally. The maximum amount that can be applied for is NOK 50,000.

Application deadlines: 15.2., 15.5., 15.9. and 15.11.

Translation grants for Norwegian contemporary drama

The Writers’ Guild of Norway (in Norwegian: Dramatikerforbundet) may award grants for the translation of Norwegian dramatic works to other languages. The primary purpose of the grant scheme is to contribute to the presentation/production of Norwegian drama abroad.