Geir Hestmark

The Man who Discovered the Ice Age - A Biography of Jens Esmark

Istidens oppdager - Jens Esmark, pioneren i Norges fjellverden

Jens Esmark is the great pioneer in the exploration of Norway’s mountains in early 19th century, and this is the definitive story of his life, his expeditions, mountain ascents and glacier crossings. Not the least the book traces the paths to his epochal discovery of ice ages, the most dramatic climate changes on Earth.

As Esmark’s supporters or opponents we meet a rich gallery of Norwegian and foreign students and colleagues. The book is compulsory reading for all mountain hikers and nature enthusiasts, and everyone with an interest in Norwegian and European cultural history.

The book is nominated to best non-fiction book in Scandinavia since 2000, one out of ten.

“This interesting biography also tells the dismal story of how Esmark’s discovery was put aside and forgotten because of envy, rivalry and harassment within academia. But now the mountain man Esmark has been resurrected with an exemplary book, a magnum opus about nature, communicated with thorough knowledge and bright optimism. (…) should appeal to a broad public of nature interested readers, at a time when the debate over climate is present as never before.”

Photo: Sturlason

Geir Hestmark (b. 1958) graduated in both philosophy and natural science, and is currently a professor at the University of Oslo and a Fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Science. He has contributed to Thinkers of the West (1994), Norwegian History of Non-Fiction Literature (1998), Norwegian History of Ideas (2002), and Norwegian Polar History (2004). For his biography of Waldemar C. Brøgger, Science and Nation he received the Fritt Ord Foundation’s Freedom of Speech Honorary Prize in 2000.