Fire and Ice – The History of the Climate
Ild og is. En kort innføring i klimaets historie
The Earth’s climate has never been stable. The globe has fluctuated between a greenhouse and an icebox. 55 million years ago our planet was 5°C warmer than it is today, and 20.000 years ago it was 4°C colder. The changing of the climate has even contributed to the rise and fall of civilizations.
The biggest challenge of our time is the rapidity of our climate’s change — we are speeding back into the greenhouse. Reidar Müller travels millions of years into the history of the Earth’s climate to see what it can tell us about our future.
Using both science history and new research, and peppered with surprising facts, Fire and Ice will give you the tools to understand the climate challenge.

‘A brilliant sweep of climate change in deep time, about cold and heat – with heated recommendations.’
Dag O. Hessen, professor of biology, University of Oslo
‘Enthralling and impressive’
Professor Eystein Jansen, lead author of the UN climate reports from 2007 and 2013