Save the Herd!
Alt for flokken
All 17-year-old Elle wants is to follow in her father’s footsteps and one day take over the family’s herd of reindeer. When wealthy forces with a lot of money threaten to take their grazing land and start mining, the village is split in two. Elle must fight, but it’s easy to make mistakes when so many have so much to lose. Elle joins forces with a group of eco-warriors, and she absolutely can’t let the smile of her friend’s boyfriend distract her too much …
Save the Herd!is a story about traditions under pressure, friendship on a test, forbidden love, and about choosing one’s own path.

‘A highly topical novel about nature conservation and Sámi identity.’
Vårt Land
‘Hyper-relevant YA.’
‘… a brilliantly composed and solid story.’
‘The end (…) will make you shiver.’
’ … a brilliant piece of work …’